R Notebook

states <- map_data("state")

Create percent a and b

states<-as.tibble(states) %>%
  mutate(state=region) %>%
  #group_by(state) %>% 
  mutate(percent_a = sample(1:15537)) %>% 
  mutate(percent_a = (percent_a/15537) * 100)
## Warning: `as.tibble()` is deprecated as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
## The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.

Round percent_a

states<-states %>% 
  mutate(percent_a = round(percent_a, 2))

Create percent_b

states<-states %>% 
  mutate(percent_b = 100-round(percent_a, 2))

Map percentages

states %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = percent_a, group = group), color = "white") + 
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  guides(fill=FALSE) +
  theme_bw()# do this to leave off the color legend

Map binary outcomes variable + map

states %>% 
  mutate(winner = ifelse(percent_a > percent_b, "a", "b")) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = winner, group = group), color = "white") + 
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  guides(fill=FALSE) +
  theme_bw()# do this to leave off the color legend

Now make a function to create the variables we want

create_map_vars<-function(x){x %>%
                  as.tibble(.) %>%
  mutate(state=region) %>%
  mutate(percent_a = sample(1:15537)) %>% #this creates the percentage for each row
  mutate(percent_a = (percent_a/15537) * 100)  %>% 
    mutate(percent_a=round(percent_a, 2)) %>% 
  mutate(percent_b = 100-(percent_a)) %>% 
  mutate(winner = ifelse(percent_a > percent_b, "a", "b")) %>% 
    mutate(margin_a = percent_a - percent_b)


Apply this function to the data and Save it as ‘dat’


Map binary winner outcome

  dat %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = winner, group = group), color = "white") + 
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  guides(fill=FALSE) +
  theme_bw()# do this to leave off the color legend

Make function to plot percentage

plot_percent<-function(x){x %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = margin_a, group = group), color = "white") + #x = longitude 
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
    scale_fill_gradient2(low="red", high="blue")+
    theme(legend.position = "false")}

This is basically a “random” result of a US federal election


With real data

Thankfully, a lot of people have taken the time to carefully document election results and make that data available to the public

Here I am importing data from the MIT xxxx project (website)


Create 2008 Winners dat

map_2008_dat<-pres_dat %>% select(year, state,candidate, party, state_votes=candidatevotes) %>% 
  filter(year==2008) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  group_by(state) %>% 
  mutate(state_total=sum(state_votes)) %>% 
  mutate(percent = round((state_votes / state_total) * 100, 2)) %>% 
  mutate(winner=ifelse(percent == max(percent), 1, 0)) %>% 
  filter(winner==1) %>% select(-winner)

Create 2012 Winners dat

map_2012_dat<-pres_dat %>% select(year, state,candidate, party, state_votes=candidatevotes) %>% 
  filter(year==2012) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  group_by(state) %>% 
  mutate(state_total=sum(state_votes)) %>% 
  mutate(percent = round((state_votes / state_total) * 100, 2)) %>% 
  mutate(winner=ifelse(percent == max(percent), 1, 0)) %>% 
  filter(winner==1) %>% select(-winner)

Create 2016 Winners dat

map_2016_dat<-pres_dat %>% select(year, state,candidate, party, state_votes=candidatevotes) %>% 
  filter(year==2016) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 
  group_by(state) %>% 
  mutate(state_total=sum(state_votes)) %>% 
  mutate(percent = round((state_votes / state_total) * 100, 2)) %>% 
  mutate(winner=ifelse(percent == max(percent), 1, 0)) %>% 
  filter(winner==1) %>% select(-winner)
winners_2008_dat<-map_2008_dat %>% arrange(year, state) %>% ungroup() %>%  mutate(state=tolower(state))
winners_2012_dat<-map_2012_dat %>% arrange(year, state) %>% ungroup() %>%  mutate(state=tolower(state))
winners_2016_dat<-map_2016_dat %>% arrange(year, state) %>% ungroup() %>%  mutate(state=tolower(state))

map_dat_2008<-merge(dat, winners_2008_dat, by="state")
map_dat_2012<-merge(dat, winners_2012_dat, by="state")
map_dat_2016<-merge(dat, winners_2016_dat, by="state")

For some reason, 2012 isn’t working correctly;

Fix 2012

map_dat_2012<-map_dat_2012 %>% mutate(party=ifelse(party=="democratic-farmer-labor", "democrat", party))

Make function to plot percentage

plot_percent<-function(x){x %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = factor(party), group = group), color="white", alpha=0.75) + 
  coord_fixed(1.3) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue", "red"))+
  theme(legend.position = "false")}

Here we can plot each election seperately

plot_percent(map_dat_2008) + 
  ggtitle(2008) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 28, face = "bold", hjust=0.5))


  ggtitle(2012) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 28, face = "bold", hjust=0.5))


  ggtitle(2016) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 28, face = "bold", hjust=0.5))


dat_2008_2016<-bind_rows(map_dat_2008, map_dat_2012, map_dat_2016)

  ggtitle("Presidential Elections: 2008 - 2016") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 28, face = "bold", hjust=0.5))+
  facet_wrap(~year, nrow = 3)+
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 20, colour = "black", face="bold"))

dat_2008_2016 %>% 
  arrange(percent) %>% 
  select(year, state, candidate, percent) %>%
##       year                state        candidate percent
## 1     2016                 utah Trump, Donald J.   45.54
## 60    2016            minnesota Clinton, Hillary   46.88
## 433   2016             michigan Trump, Donald J.   47.59
## 1263  2016        new hampshire Clinton, Hillary   47.60
## 1388  2016            wisconsin Trump, Donald J.   47.78
## 1776  2016                maine Clinton, Hillary   47.97
## 2175  2016             colorado Clinton, Hillary   48.16
## 2254  2016           new mexico Clinton, Hillary   48.26
## 2332  2016         pennsylvania Trump, Donald J.   48.58
## 2504  2016              arizona Trump, Donald J.   49.01
## 2653  2016              florida Trump, Donald J.   49.02
## 3525  2016               nevada Clinton, Hillary   49.18
## 3595  2008             missouri     McCain, John   49.43
## 3910  2008              montana     McCain, John   49.53
## 4148  2008       north carolina Obama, Barack H.   49.85
## 4930  2008              indiana Obama, Barack H.   49.97
## 5187  2012              florida Obama, Barack H.   50.01
## 6059  2016             virginia Clinton, Hillary   50.15
## 6793  2016       north carolina Trump, Donald J.   50.46
## 7575  2012       north carolina     Romney, Mitt   50.53
## 8357  2012                 ohio Obama, Barack H.   50.67
## 8595  2008              florida Obama, Barack H.   51.04
## 9467  2016              georgia Trump, Donald J.   51.05
## 9848  2012             virginia Obama, Barack H.   51.25
## 10582 2012             colorado Obama, Barack H.   51.49
## 10661 2008                 ohio Obama, Barack H.   51.51
## 10899 2016                 iowa Trump, Donald J.   51.75
## 11155 2016               oregon Clinton, Hillary   51.96
## 11391 2012         pennsylvania Obama, Barack H.   52.08
## 11563 2012        new hampshire Obama, Barack H.   52.17
## 11688 2008              georgia     McCain, John   52.24
## 12069 2012                 iowa Obama, Barack H.   52.27
## 12325 2016                texas Trump, Donald J.   52.53
## 13413 2012               nevada Obama, Barack H.   52.66
## 13483 2008             virginia Obama, Barack H.   52.72
## 14217 2012            minnesota Obama, Barack H.   52.84
## 14590 2012           new mexico Obama, Barack H.   53.07
## 14668 2008         south dakota     McCain, John   53.16
## 14834 2008         north dakota     McCain, John   53.25
## 14939 2012              georgia     Romney, Mitt   53.33
## 15320 2016             delaware Clinton, Hillary   53.35
## 15414 2012            wisconsin Obama, Barack H.   53.38
## 15802 2008             colorado Obama, Barack H.   53.66
## 15881 2008              arizona     McCain, John   53.67
## 16030 2012              arizona     Romney, Mitt   53.67
## 16179 2012             missouri     Romney, Mitt   53.76
## 16494 2016                 ohio Trump, Donald J.   53.79
## 16732 2008       south carolina     McCain, John   53.87
## 17036 2012              indiana     Romney, Mitt   54.15
## 17293 2008                 iowa Obama, Barack H.   54.17
## 17549 2008            minnesota Obama, Barack H.   54.24
## 17922 2012             michigan Obama, Barack H.   54.30
## 18752 2016           washington Clinton, Hillary   54.30
## 19297 2008        new hampshire Obama, Barack H.   54.38
## 19422 2012       south carolina     Romney, Mitt   54.56
## 19726 2012               oregon Obama, Barack H.   54.64
## 19962 2008         pennsylvania Obama, Barack H.   54.65
## 20134 2016          connecticut Clinton, Hillary   54.65
## 20225 2016       south carolina Trump, Donald J.   54.94
## 20529 2012          mississippi     Romney, Mitt   55.29
## 20911 2012              montana     Romney, Mitt   55.36
## 21149 2016           new jersey Clinton, Hillary   55.45
## 21354 2008               nevada Obama, Barack H.   55.51
## 21424 2008                texas     McCain, John   55.51
## 22512 2016         rhode island Clinton, Hillary   55.54
## 22578 2008        west virginia     McCain, John   55.72
## 22951 2016             illinois Clinton, Hillary   55.96
## 23280 2012           washington Obama, Barack H.   56.16
## 23825 2008          mississippi     McCain, John   56.18
## 24207 2008            wisconsin Obama, Barack H.   56.34
## 24595 2012                maine Obama, Barack H.   56.44
## 24994 2016              montana Trump, Donald J.   56.47
## 25232 2008               kansas     McCain, John   56.61
## 25345 2008             nebraska     McCain, John   56.73
## 25553 2008           new mexico Obama, Barack H.   56.91
## 25631 2016             missouri Trump, Donald J.   56.92
## 25946 2016               kansas Trump, Donald J.   57.01
## 26059 2016              indiana Trump, Donald J.   57.12
## 26316 2016             new york Clinton, Hillary   57.18
## 26811 2012                texas     Romney, Mitt   57.19
## 27899 2008           new jersey Obama, Barack H.   57.27
## 28104 2008             kentucky     McCain, John   57.40
## 28501 2008               oregon Obama, Barack H.   57.42
## 28737 2008             michigan Obama, Barack H.   57.43
## 29567 2012             illinois Obama, Barack H.   57.61
## 29896 2008            tennessee     McCain, John   57.63
## 30185 2008           washington Obama, Barack H.   57.65
## 30730 2008                maine Obama, Barack H.   57.74
## 31129 2012            louisiana     Romney, Mitt   57.78
## 31779 2012         south dakota     Romney, Mitt   57.89
## 31945 2016          mississippi Trump, Donald J.   57.94
## 32327 2012          connecticut Obama, Barack H.   58.31
## 32418 2012           new jersey Obama, Barack H.   58.34
## 32623 2008            louisiana     McCain, John   58.56
## 33273 2012             delaware Obama, Barack H.   58.61
## 33367 2016            louisiana Trump, Donald J.   58.62
## 34017 2012         north dakota     Romney, Mitt   58.65
## 34122 2008             arkansas     McCain, John   58.72
## 34434 2016                idaho Trump, Donald J.   59.26
## 34667 2012               kansas     Romney, Mitt   59.77
## 34780 2016             nebraska Trump, Donald J.   59.89
## 34988 2012            tennessee     Romney, Mitt   60.04
## 35277 2012             nebraska     Romney, Mitt   60.27
## 35485 2012           california Obama, Barack H.   60.35
## 36001 2012             kentucky     Romney, Mitt   60.51
## 36398 2012             arkansas     Romney, Mitt   60.57
## 36710 2016             arkansas Trump, Donald J.   60.57
## 37022 2008          connecticut Obama, Barack H.   60.60
## 37113 2012        massachusetts Obama, Barack H.   60.78
## 37399 2008             new york Obama, Barack H.   60.83
## 37894 2008              alabama     McCain, John   60.89
## 38096 2016        massachusetts Clinton, Hillary   60.98
## 38382 2008           california Obama, Barack H.   61.10
## 38898 2016              vermont Clinton, Hillary   61.12
## 39027 2012              alabama     Romney, Mitt   61.22
## 39229 2012             new york Obama, Barack H.   61.31
## 39724 2016             maryland Clinton, Hillary   61.31
## 40290 2008                idaho     McCain, John   61.53
## 40523 2016         south dakota Trump, Donald J.   61.53
## 40689 2008             illinois Obama, Barack H.   61.93
## 41018 2008             delaware Obama, Barack H.   61.94
## 41112 2008        massachusetts Obama, Barack H.   62.09
## 41398 2008             maryland Obama, Barack H.   62.14
## 41964 2012             maryland Obama, Barack H.   62.21
## 42530 2016           california Clinton, Hillary   62.26
## 43046 2016             kentucky Trump, Donald J.   62.54
## 43443 2008                 utah     McCain, John   62.59
## 43502 2012        west virginia     Romney, Mitt   62.65
## 43875 2016              alabama Trump, Donald J.   62.72
## 44077 2012         rhode island Obama, Barack H.   62.90
## 44143 2008         rhode island Obama, Barack H.   63.13
## 44209 2016            tennessee Trump, Donald J.   63.62
## 44498 2016         north dakota Trump, Donald J.   64.15
## 44603 2012                idaho     Romney, Mitt   65.22
## 44836 2016             oklahoma Trump, Donald J.   65.32
## 45120 2008             oklahoma     McCain, John   65.65
## 45404 2008              wyoming     McCain, John   66.14
## 45472 2012             oklahoma     Romney, Mitt   66.77
## 45756 2012              vermont Obama, Barack H.   67.03
## 45885 2008              vermont Obama, Barack H.   67.76
## 46014 2016        west virginia Trump, Donald J.   68.63
## 46387 2012              wyoming     Romney, Mitt   69.21
## 46455 2016              wyoming Trump, Donald J.   70.98
## 46523 2012                 utah     Romney, Mitt   72.82
## 46582 2012 district of columbia Obama, Barack H.   91.15
## 46592 2016 district of columbia Clinton, Hillary   92.82
## 46602 2008 district of columbia Obama, Barack H.   92.85

Look at margins

dat_2008_2016 %>% 
  filter(percent<90) %>% #This excludes DC (sorry, DC)
  arrange(percent) %>% 
  select(year, state, candidate, percent) %>%
  unique() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=year, y=percent))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, alpha=0.2)+
  geom_jitter(size=3, alpha=0.5)+

PJ Ryan
Doctoral student in HDFS